List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

3.70    The committee recommends that all progress reports and the mid-point review provided to the Ministerial Drug and Alcohol Forum and Council of Australian Governments on the implementation of the National Drug Strategy 2017–2026 and its sub-strategy, the National Ice Action Strategy (NIAS), are made publicly available, and include but are not limited to:

Recommendation 2

5.13    The committee recommends that Commonwealth, state and territory governments commit long term funding for the implementation, maintenance and ongoing use of the National Criminal Intelligence System.

Recommendation 3

5.41    The committee recommends that Commonwealth, state and territory governments, as a matter of urgency, agree and enact nationally consistent unexplained wealth legislation.

Recommendation 4

5.69    The committee recommends that, subsequent to the national review of drug diversionary programs articulated by the National Ice Taskforce and in the National Ice Action Strategy, states and territories commit to improving, expanding, or where no drug diversionary program(s) currently exists, implementing such programs across their jurisdictions.

Recommendation 5

5.87    The committee recommends that Australian governments implement the electronic End User Declaration System as soon as practicable.

Recommendation 6

5.100    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government strengthens eligibility criteria for Aviation Security Identification Cards and Maritime Security Identification Cards to address current inadequacies, particularly the use of criminal intelligence where a person may have links with serious and organise crime.

Recommendation 7

5.130    The committee recommends that the Australian government expand its leadership in relevant international fora and considers:

Recommendation 8

5.150    The committee recommends that Australian law enforcement agencies, in addition to the number and volume of drug seizures, assess and report on the availability, purity and price of illicit drugs, particularly at the street level, to better determine the impact of law enforcement and other strategies on the illicit drug market.

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